Talabalar uyushmasi
Universitetning eng faol va jonkuyar talabalari Talabalar Uyushmasi Kengashi a’zoligiga saylanishi mumkin. Ularning vazifasi bu- talabalar uchun imkoniyatlar yaratish, ularning xohish-istaklari va qiziqishlarini ifoda etish, ularning huquqlarini himoya qilishdan iboratdir. Ma’suliyat cheksizdir. Ular talabalarning tashvishlari, qarashlari va intilishlarini ifodalaydi va talabalarning huquqlari va imtiyozlarini himoya qiladi. Talabalar Uyushmasi turli tadbirlar uyushtirishi, klublar va talabalar hamjamiyatlarini faoliyatida ko‘mak berishi mumkin. TEAM Universiteti Talabalar Uyushmasi o‘quv ishlari bilan bog‘liq masalalarga ham ta’sir qilishi mumkin. Uyushma prezidenti va bosh kotibi Universitet Akademik Kengashining a’zolari hisoblanishadi va kengashda veto huquqiga ega bo‘lishadi.
Talabalar Uyushmasi vakillari universitet talabalari tomonidan bir yil muddatga saylanadi va butun talabalar jamoasi tomonidan saylanadi.Saylovlar ochiq, shaffof tarzda har yili aprelda tashkil qilinadi va saylangan Kengash keyingi o‘quv yilida o‘z faoliyatini olib boradi.
2020-2021 o‘quv yili davomida eng faol va maqsad sari intiluvchan talabalar orasidan saylash yo‘li bilan vaqtinchalik Talabalar Uyushmasi Kengashi tashkil qilinadi.
Student feedback
My name is Amir and I am a student of TEAM university. During first excursion in university, impressions was very high. And when I started to study at this university I didn’t regret because i was satisfied and still I’m satisfied that university is good not only outside, but inside too. Learning system is very grammatical and I’m glad that it is foreign and verified.
Amirkhon Nadjimiddinov
My name is Bekhruz and I am one of the first students of TEAM University, which has already become a significant part of our lives. What I really love in it is the fantastic atmosphere and our tutors, since all are optimistic and encouraging . Also, I should mention that here, almost every day I discover something new for myself. Thanks to it I can not only improve my current plans and projects, but also generate new ideas.
I study at TEAM University and I am very happy about it. It was my conscious choice and I have never regretted it. We studied at the university for almost one semester and I have already discovered teamwork, the basics of business and proper communication. Our university constantly contributes to our development and for this I love it.
Sayidazimkhon Asrorkhujayev
TEAM University is something bigger than just a place to study. I really love this place cause here i’ve met really creative, sincere, polymathic people.
In this uni you will find out who you really are and also who you want to be. Pretty sure that you’ll find your place by joining our TEAM.
Team University promotes the spirit of inquiry, which helps the students to think critically and take responsibility for our actions. Furthermore, our main purpose from studies here is to open and scale our own businesses. So I really appreciate that we have practical advice available from actual entrepreneurs and experienced professionals.
Temurbek Khaydarov
Toshkent shaxri, Temur Malik ko‘chasi
146 uy
+998 71 200 20 60
+998 71 202 30 31
Ijtimoiy tarmoqlardagi sahifalarimiz:
Toshkent shaxri, Temur Malik ko‘chasi
146 uy

+998 71 200 20 60
+998 71 202 30 31
