BA (Hons) Entrepreneurship with Marketing
Duration of the Program
Tuition Fees per Year
38 348 000 UZS
Duration of the Program
Tuition Fees per Year
38 348 000 UZS
Who is this Programme for?
BA (Hons) Entrepreneurship with Marketing – course is designed for all students who wish to gain solid knowledge of marketing, business management and entrepreneurship and launch their new ventures and create unique new brands or pursue their careers in the existing organisations as Marketing Managers, Brand Managers, Marketing Analysts, Sales Managers, PR specialists, Marketing Coordinators etc.

Applicants who have good communication and analytical skills and are ready to unlock their creative and intellectual potential are welcome to apply for this course.

Award: Upon successful completion of the programmes, graduates will receive a Bachelor’s Degree (BA Hons in Entrepreneurship and Marketing) from London South Bank University.

Distinctive Features of the Course
Distinctive Features of the Course

An interdisciplinary program that offers an opportunity for students to study the area of Entrepreneurship and Marketing
Development of student social capital via a strong network of professional bodies and industry specialists
Opportunity for fully supported entrepreneurial activity with special focus on marketing
Digital skills embedded throughout the curriculum
Exploration of economic, political, legal and cultural factors impacting businesses and processes
Applicants should satisfy at a minimum one of the following requirements:
  • Successful completion of an appropriate International Foundation Course; or
  • Successful completion of the first year of an undergraduate degree course at a recognised higher education establishment; or
  • Two GCE A level passes (in any subject, excluding mother tongue), plus three GCSE passes at grade C or above including English Language and Mathematics; or
  • Any other equivalent qualification allowing entry to a UK higher education undergraduate course (e.g. International Baccalaureate).
Applicants must be 18 years of age by the 31st of October of the academic year applied for.
Applicants must have:
  • Had their secondary education through the medium of English and gained grade C or above in GCSE English or its equivalent; or
  • An IELTS score of 6.0 with writing component of 5.5 or above or another English Language Test recognised by TEAM; or
  • Successfully completed an appropriate International Foundation course with at least 40% in an academic English module or equivalent.
Transfer of credits allows credits awarded by another HE Institution to contribute to the credit required for an LSBU award. Applicants will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Consideration of any request for transfer of credits will only be confirmed against an official transcript, and particular attention will be paid to grades achieved and number of attempts at the assessments.
Course Learning Outcomes
Click on the module you are interested in to see more information.
Who will teach me?
Akmal Khudaykulov
• PhD Degree in Management Science from Wuhan University of Technology
• Master’s degree from Fergana Polytechnic Institute
• Bachelor degree from Fergana Polytechnic Institute

Alex Candor
• Ph. D. in Marketing, SFSU/Gazi, Turkey
• MBA, Ankara University, Turkey
• B.A. in Economics, Gazi University, Turkey
Who will teach me?
Suna Ozkul
• Ph.D. in Marketing, İstanbul Bilgi University
• MA in Cultural Management, İstanbul Bilgi University
• BA in Faculty of Education, Boğaziçi University
Self-directed study
(Business breakfasts, guest lectures, clubs, internships)
time for lectures, seminars and other in-class activities
Teaching, Learning and Assessment strategy for the course assumes gradual progression and scaffolding of students learning from Level 4, where the course focuses on building a solid foundation of essential knowledge of the modern marketing and entrepreneurship theories and concepts, to Levels 5 and 6, where students learn to apply the knowledge to the analysis of real-life cases, generating viable solutions to a range of entrepreneurial and marketing problems. The capstone project at Level 6 will require students to consolidate and employ all their knowledge, understanding, critical reasoning as well as interpersonal skills to demonstrate their capability to critically evaluate the launch of a Venture.

There will be a blend of different face-to-face learning activities ranging from entrepreneurial master classes, academic-led lectures and seminars to student-led workshops and peer mentoring processes, accompanied by various autonomous and collaborative learning activities such as inquiry learning, research, field visits and team projects.

Integral to the university’s learning model of developing entrepreneurial capability is its enterprise engagement strategy. This will allow students to further develop and demonstrate innovation, creativity and enterprise skills in an experiential manner. This will be achieved through business incubators, Student Union activities and partnerships within the broader entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Based on TEAM’s learning model, which emphasises theory informed practice-based learning, the development of transferable skills ‘for’ entrepreneurship also takes place throughout the curriculum. Through seminars, workshops, team projects, and coursework, students will be learning and applying inter alia communication, teamwork, leadership, time management, numeracy, and digital skills. For example, by working in teams to understand and analyse case studies, besides developing problem-solving techniques, this passive income source students will develop teamwork skills, communication skills and task management skills. Negotiating, influencing and presentation skills will be developed via role play during seminars and workshops, while digital skills will be an integral component of students’ assignments for various modules. Students will also develop these skills from model entrepreneurs during master classes and mentoring sessions.

Where will I Study?
The course is delivered on TEAM University campus at 146, Temur Malik Street, Tashkent.
Theory and Practice of Entrepreneurship
The Future is fraught with risks and uncertainty. Entrepreneurs counter risks to create future. This module offers a starting point to the students to understand how business value can be created concomitantly with social and economic value through entrepreneurship.

Creativity and Design Thinking
This module introduces students to creativity and design thinking. It explores the mindset needed for creativity and how human problems can be solved creatively through design thinking. Students will not only explore the skills needed for design thinking, but practice them by tackling a real-life problem.

Data-Driven Decision Making
For entrepreneurs data becomes valuable when it allows the making of decisions or taking action in the real world. Competencies in data software packages, selecting data, statistical analysis, data analysis, visualising data inform successful Enterprise and Entrepreneurship decision-making. Students will learn how to interpret and explain data to inform decision-making and also to how to communicate the message to others. It will also cover the ethical and legal aspects of data collection and management
Regulatory Context for Entrepreneurs
This module introduces the students to the legal and regulatory aspects related to entrepreneurship. Students will learn how to use appropriate legal language, identify and analyse legal problems, produce reasoned arguments and conclusions and recommend a course of action based on legal principles either working independently or as part of a team.

Economics for Entrepreneurs
The aim of this module is to provide students with a set of basic economic tools and analysis for launching, sustaining and developing an enterprise. This module also aims to introduce students to the economic way of thinking and to explain its importance in both strategic and day-to-day entrepreneurial decision-making.
Managing People
The module is aimed at developing basic skills necessary for managing individuals and groups and explains how organizational structure, culture and operations interact and influence behaviour of employees. Students will discover the challenges of management in a contemporary business environment, managers’ roles and functions on various organisation levels as well as internal and external factors influencing business management decisions. Students will focus their efforts on identifying factors that influence organizational effectiveness and the integrating aspects of managerial activities

Entrepreneurial Mind-Set
This module provides deeper insight into the realities of entrepreneurship, understanding of important factors contributing to the success of entrepreneurial activity. Shaping the entrepreneurial mindset is achieved by studying and practicing how the entrepreneur thinks, evaluates and acts and looking at the skills, traits and approaches needed for launching and running an enterprise. Identification of their own potential and ways to realize this potential in a real business setting will be achieved by the end of the module.

Theory and Practice of Marketing
This module builds on the initial introduction to marketing as a concept and business function done in Theory and Practice of Entrepreneurship on Level 4. Students will get a comprehensive knowledge of the contemporary marketing concepts, theories, processes and tools and will have a chance to apply the knowledge to real-life case study

Finance for Entrepreneurs
This module goes beyond the introduction of the basic principles of finance and accounting, and focuses on the most essential analytical and decision-making tools that students will need in their future careers as entrepreneurs or intrapreneurs

Corporate Governance and Business Ethics
The module offers a deep understanding of the various types of corporate governance models followed by different nations. It establishes a linkage between the national character and the corporate governance model chosen to offer best practices, oversight and regulation of corporations. It explains the primacy of shareholder versus stakeholder argument in building a case for corporate governance. Questions like — What is the role of corporate boards in corporate governance? How do boards organize themselves to play a fiduciary role and steer corporations? What are considered to be corporate governance benchmarks and best practices? Are CSR, business ethics and corporate governance.

Consumer Psychology
The module provides an insight into the role of consumption in contemporary society, the ways in which consumers act on and interpret the presentation and representation of products, and also ways that such practices and dispositions are structured and shaped by social, cultural and market forces. The module specifically focuses on the key psychological aspects defining consumer activities ranging from product search to product disposal.

Creating Your Brand
This module specifically focuses on branding and advertising aspects of marketing. It highlights the value that brands have for modern enterprises and the importance of building and managing strong brands. The key feature of this module is the project that will let students apply theoretical knowledge to create a branding strategy and actual advertisement for an existing product or service.

Project: Launching a venture
In this module students will learn how to harness the potential of direction-based networks, build teams, create a minimum viable product and get it validated via a social proof, obtain first funding and consequently fine tune the product to upgrade the venture. They will also learn the techniques involved in marketing, pricing, pitching and identifying alternative funding opportunities as the venture catapults to the next level. This is an action-oriented module.
Contemporary Business Models
In this module students will learn how to harness the potential of direction-based networks, build teams, create a minimum viable product and get it validated via a social proof, obtain first funding and consequently fine tune the product to upgrade the venture. They will also learn the techniques involved in marketing, pricing, pitching and identifying alternative funding opportunities as the venture catapults to the next level. This is an action-oriented module.
Integrated Marketing Communication
This module is focused on the fundamental principles, methods and strategies of marketing communications. It covers both theory and practical application of marketing communications strategies and focuses on how different marketing communications platforms can be effectively combined together to achieve entrepreneurial goals

Persuasive Communication and PR
The module introduces public relations theory and the tools it employs to effectively manage the reputation of businesses and brands. Students will critically analyze those theories and tools and learn to professionally apply them in real-life contexts mastering critical thinking and persuasive communication skills

Digital Storytelling
This module is dedicated to design, production and application of digital stories in an entrepreneurial context. In the first part of the module students will analyse various case studies assessing the originality, effectiveness and technical features of stories presented across a range of digital platforms. The second part of the module will require students to produce a digital story by going through all stages from research and design to production and evaluation.

International Marketing
The module explores international marketing, with particular attention paid to the marketing strategy adjustments and modifications entrepreneurs may need to make in extending their activities to the international market. Students will explore and develop a specific marketing plan for a product or service entering a foreign country’s market. The module emphasises unique aspects of “going global”, analysing the components of international marketing activity and evaluates the growing role of e-marketing.

Marketing Analytics
This module is focused on the major tools of marketing analytics and explaining how these tools can be applied to transform marketing data from both traditional and digital sources into data-driven insights guiding entrepreneurial decisions.

The TEAM University campus is located at: Tashkent, Temur Malik Street, 146.
+998 71 200 20 60
+998 71 202 30 31
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The TEAM University campus is located at: Tashkent, Temur Malik Street, 146.

+998 71 200 20 60
+998 71 202 30 31